Good Food

Good food, best places to go. I've always dreamed of sharing the BEST places I check out. In this day and age, we can no longer waste our time with mediocre choices. We at the very least, aim for the best - one that we actually deserve.

So cheers to good food and places!

Gastronome Check-In: Lé Café - a Must Visit in Davao City

When there’s so much more than meets the eye, you’d keep coming back.

And we all know that… It’s never easy to find something that’s beyond expectations.
How so?
✔️ Drinks are 👌
✔️ Food is 😍
✔️ Place is 😎
✔️ People are 😇
So when looking to find a perfect match - food, place, things or people, make sure there’s always more to them than meets the eye. Kapoy masakitan, langga 😉😜

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