7 Summer Getaway Tips You Need To Be Prepared Of

Summer in the Philippines is just around the corner. Well, for some it has already started while others can't wait for it! Surely, summer would mean the BEACH for many and GETAWAYs for others. Exciting stuff awaits indeed! But eventually, we need to be "dora-ready" for such. Because these activities excite us a lot, we tend to forget to consider other stuff which could rather spoil our vacations.

From going around summers and not, I have gathered a few tips to share with you guys so you may consider yourself, Summer Getaway Ready.

1. Transportation

You may either take your own car, rent or take the bus. Either ways, you have to be sure that these are reliable takes. If taking your car, have it checked so you won't have problems on the way. If you're renting, do the same and if taking the bus, check the safety of the bus and its drivers. You may say these are "basics" but oftentimes, the "basics" are neglected. Better be sure than spoil your summer trip.

2. Accommodations


These may be simple huts or non classy hotels or what not but whichever, you need to make sure that the customer service is good and the place is safe enough. I remember one survey from one of the hotels in Baguio City. Before we left the place, one of the service staff asked us to fill out a form and rank priorities from customer service to food, wifi and all that. I remember I've pulled customer service on top of my list. Convenience is experienced with good customer service.


3. Sun Protection

Of course you'll need to be protected from the sun. Don't ever forget to take your summer shades and sun block with you. It's very important. You wouldn't want to miss seeing how hot the beach can be or you wouldn't want to spoil Day 2 of your vacation because of a sun burn. Choose a sun block that matches your skin. There are others sensitive when it comes to cream applications on skin.

4. Food


My friends and I, when in for getaways, we either cook our own or make sure that the place we are staying serves good food. You wouldn't want to starve the whole day of swimming and all other fun activities the summer calls for you.


5. Swimwear


SummerAnother OF COURSE! Summer is equal to beach is equal to swimsuit or whatever summer outfit you'd love. But I tell you, you don't have to have hesitations. When you want to flaunt it, just go ahead and do so! It's summer. It's the beach. You'd surely want to enjoy the fun and the style as well.

6. Relaxation


When I relax by the beach, I make sure I have with me my book! It's lovely to catch up on your reading after the busy days, weeks and months at work before the summer! Others take with them their ipods and enjoy an hour with their own choice of music.

7. The Beach


Here's another "make sure" that you have to consider. The Beach. It has to be as gorgeous as you. It has to be as clean as what you expect it to be. Feedbacks over the internet is helpful! How will you enjoy your summer if the beach sucks, right!


You may have all other stuff in mind to take with you to summer. But after completing all the rest of the above mentioned summer tips, you sure are Summer Getaway Ready!

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